Written Works

My Services

  • I will dive into your novel from a writer’s perspective and aim to help you deepen your worldbuilding and character development, as well as other objectives you may have.

    This is on a volunteer basis and does not require payment.

  • I will read your manuscript as a reader and offer in depth feedback (however you prefer it whether in comments on the doc or in a google form) as to how your future readers may react and how you can give them the best experience while staying true to your story.

    This is on a volunteer basis and does not require payment.

  • I will read your book in exchange for a review. This is generally done ahead of publication but I will read it at any time. It generally takes me two hours to read a 300 page novel.

    I require a free copy of your book (pdf, kindle, physical, epub, etc.) to read.

  • I will use my learned knowledge, as well as the knowledge of fellow writers, to help you to best market your book on Instagram and TikTok.

    This is not on a volunteer basis and I charge a fee depending on what it is you would like me to help with.

offer not currently available

the literary world of lucy gould

the literary world of lucy gould ⋆

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