Tales of Neverland: Book One Release Schedule

Hi everyone! So I figured that it would make sense for my first blog post to be about ToN so I decided to make it about the publishing schedule for Book One (can’t hurt to have it literally everywhere).

Cover & Title Reveal Sign Ups Open: Sept. 1 (link to sign up)

Cover & Title Reveal: Sept. 30

ARC Reader Applications Open: Sept. 30

ARCs Go Out To Readers: Oct. 10

Preorders Open: Oct. 25

Release Date: Nov. 14

Unless something drastic happens in my life these dates are set in stone so feel free to put them on your calendar.

I am so excited to finally be publishing my book and I am so thankful for each and every person who has supported me along the way.

- Lucy <3


Cover/Title Reveal for Book One